Pixie Bell

She will always have a Red collar

Pixie Bell is one of my two kitty sisters. She is a kitty of eclectic moods. She can be anxious, forthright, contented, timid, and downright scared. Any talk of disaster ever so small, she will wail, wring her hands and run terrified to the Big Bed room where she will slip under the blankets and sleep her fears away.

A coat of Black Velvet...plush...

For all of her fears, Pixie Bell is always interested in what I am doing. When we first met, she was so scared she wouldn't eat for days. But now, she thinks nothing of talking a walk with me in the garden, or even sharing nap space...as long as I don't move...

She can also talk. Seriously. She can talk the hind legs off a donkey. She will chat, and natter, and chin-wag the day away as happily as...well...a talking cat. Maybe it's because she is a little nervous, or maybe it's because she has a lot to say. Either way she is always interesting, informative, and investigatory. If there is a bird on a tree in the backyard, she will let you know. If it fly's away, likewise. A neighbouring cat, the sun going behind a cloud, or a leaf drifting across the lawn are all things noteworthy to the talking cat. I think she was a journalist is a past life. Or a Town Crier.