Standing in the slippery bath, my whines echoing loudly, and my claws trying to grip the shiny surface below...what the...! And then I was soaked to my skin, scrubbed with something that smelled like a flower bed had vomited in the bottle, and thoroughly soaked to the skin again! Oh what had I done... mummy HATED me. And just when I thought the world was ending, out came the hair dryer. Oh, I know what it is now, but THEN...! It was some angry creature stuck in some appliance that wanted revenge on me, breathing fire...
But now? I leap into the bath all by myself. And I LOVE the hair dryer. Just don't aim it at my ear drums cause that don't feel so good!
"Don't look! I'm bathing!" |
Pocket Note: If you happen to have any allergies or weird itching goin' on and shampooing upsets it - try 1/4 C - 1C white vinegar (depending on pooch size) in the final rinse. Result? No more scratching and lovely soft hair. Oh, you smell like salt and vinegar chips - buts that's OK, smelling like food is entirely acceptable when you're a dog.
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